Friday, November 19, 2010

Yey! Movies!

                In class, there was this question that was raised: “Are there situations where media becomes a hindrance to learning?"
                 It is the primary objective of the teacher to motivate the students to learn.  But  the question of how to solicit the students' attention is  another issue.  Not all students see school as fun and exciting and not all of them consider the normal classroom environment as an enjoyable event.  Moreover, teachers use a variety of strategies to keep the learning experience of the child as worthwhile as it could get.  Teachers often use media to make their job of teaching easier and also to make learning more interesting in the eyes of the students.
                  Media, then, is used as a tool to reinforce teaching  and learning, but there are indeed times when media becomes a hindrance to learning.  When letting a class watch a movie, which relates most with the topic on hand, the teacher must be aware of the possibilities of making use of this type of activity.  The students might not absorb well the important details in relation to the topic because of the fast paced interplay of events in the movie.  They might also be overwhelmed by the entertainment factor that the movie offers especially if the movie is that of a mainstream type.  In this event, the teacher must carefully select the media that he or she presents in class.  Proper orientation must also be done before the students are set to watch the movie.  Certain guide questions must be given first to be able to ensure that the students would follow the series of information that the teacher intends the students to take note of.  The contents of the movie should also be filtered in a way that it is appropriate with the age of the students who would watch it.  It is also essential to consider that the movie is not outdated in terms of facts.  If ever this is inevitable, make sure that the students are made aware of the things that need to be corrected.

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