Friday, November 12, 2010

A teacher teaches

Today we had our first meeting in Edtech 101.  Our professor would let us, her students, to call her Teacher Yna rather than Ma’am or Miss.  During the class, she explained that it somehow serves as a reminder for her, that she is there inside the classroom to do her job, which is to teach.
That thought never occurred to me until Teacher Yna mentioned it to us.  Indeed, I’ve been so accustomed in that certain type of addressing to a teacher.  During high school, I can’t even remember calling anyone of my teachers as “teacher…” then followed by his or her name. It had always been, “Ma’am…” or “Sir…” or “Miss…”  Thinking further way back, I remember that during my pre-school years up until my early grade school years, I do address my teachers as “teacher…”  With this in mind, I wonder how it all evolved into another form of addressing.  The obvious reasons which would surface are the issues of respect, superiority and authority.  But, isn’t it a much greater praise for a teacher to be called as a teacher?  It is but the spirit in the word “teacher” which encompasses all of the persons who we call our mentors, masters, up-bringers, parents and all the others who influences us and enrich our knowledge and stimulate our growth as an individual and as a part of the society.

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