Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Communication Theore-eh-eh-eh!

 adapted from "Telephone"-Lady Gaga
Hello, hello classmates you called?
We can’t hear a thing

W[e] may have communication problems
Here, you see, see
Wha-wha-what did you say
wanna know the theories
Of communication, start with
Sha-shannon weaver
Sha-shannon weaver
The mathematical model of Shannon weaver
This model is in linear format to begin with
With five components and
The first is information source
Then up next is the transmitter
sends signals to the channel
Receiver decodes the signal
To  the destination
Keep callin’, keep callin’
We just think you wanna know more!
‘bout Shannon-Weaver, Tubbs and Schramm
Keep callin’, keep callin’
We just think you wanna know more!
About their models of communication.
Eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh
c’mmunication theoreh!
Eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh
Eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh
c’mmunication theoreh!
Eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh
You can call all you want
But there’s always noise
An interference with the message
Entropy, redundancy
Channel capacity
Are the key concepts of this model
You can call all you want
But there’s always noise
An interference with the message
Entropy, redundancy
Channel capacity
Are the key concepts of this model
Schramm’s model is a two way process
a derivation of Shannon-weaver’s
It still has the encoder
And also the decoder
In fact there were more key concepts
Like feedback from the sender
And the field of encounter
All of these as factors
Now about Tubb’s model
‘tis  also a cycle
Where the communicator
Gets two roles to play
The sender acts as the receiver
And vice versa
Just like Schramm’s model
It is a two way process
 a two way process
a two way process
Just like Schramm’s model, It is a two way process
Keep callin’, keep callin’
We just think you wanna know more!
‘bout Shannon-Weaver, Tubbs and Schramm
Keep callin’, keep callin’
We just think you wanna know more!
About their models of communication.
Keep callin’, keep callin’
We just think you wanna know more!
‘bout Shannon-Weaver, Tubbs and Schramm
Keep callin’, keep callin’
We just think you wanna know more!
About their models of communication.
Eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh
c’mmunication theoreh!
Eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh
Eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh
c’mmunication theoreh!
Eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh
Now you know many things
models and theories
Shannon and Weaver’s, Schramm’s and Tubb’s!
So y’ all better listen
Cause we’re doin’ all the singin’
Only brought to you by the crammer’s club!
Now you know many things
models and theories
Shannon and Weaver’s, Schramm’s and Tubb’s!
So y’ all better listen
Cause we’re doin’ all the singin’
Only brought to you by the crammer’s club!
The Crammer’s Club!
The-t-the Crammer’s Club!
So y’ all better listen
Cause we’re doin’ all the singin’
Only brought to you by the crammer’s club!
The Crammer’s Club!
The-t-the Crammer’s Club!
So y’ all better listen
Cause we’re doin’ all the singin’
Only brought to you by the crammer’s club!
          For an extra presentation for our report on the Communication Theories, I made alterations to Lady Gaga's "Telephone".  We sang this in front of our class after our group discussed about the communication theories with the aid of a power point presentation.  :)

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